Friday, July 14, 2006

Weddings and other stuff

Well, it's again been a shamefully long time since I've updated this thing. Over a month! How time flies...

My wedding to a certain JET participant is approaching and with it the usual phone calls to florists, photographers, videographers, dress alterers, commissioners and whathaveyou. My daytimer is chock full of phone numbers, appointments and post-its detailing what I need to do for the coming week. It's looking rather haggard at the moment.

I've discovered on this path to matrimony that 'wedding' is another word for 'money'. Where a normal cake will cost maybe 20-30 bucks a wedding cake is easily 10 times that amount. More work goes into it but is it REALLY worth that much? I'm expecting the cake to come decorated with priceless diamonds.

On a real-estate note, I've defied Calgary's vacancy rate of 1.1% and managed to rent an apartment in a fairly nice area of the city. So now, I have a place to live. Hooray!

This post isn't that illuminating, and I'm going to blame that on my fatigue. I'll update again when I have something interesting to report!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuri! I've been meaning to send you an e-mail and say hi. Hisashiburi, yo! I'm glad the plans are progressing well...I actually haven't seen Will since we watched Sailormoon together at your place that one night--or since the last Open Mic, whichever was more recent. ;o) Take care and good luck with everything.

*hugs from Japan!*