Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Help me...I have a classroom

I think that will be the title of my first novel, should I ever get around to writing one. They really should tell you during teacher training that your first year is going to be a complete gong show. And I only teach in the mornings! How bad is that?

It's been a month and I've gotten to know the kids better but I'm still struggling in the classroom management aspect of things. I pretty much have a whole class of ME at their age. Meaning, talk talk talk. No real behavior issues just constant chattiness.

Aside from chatter, there is also the fact that when it comes to curriculum, I'm a mess. While trying to interpret it, (which I imagine is what decoding Enigma was like), I find myself bouncing back and forth between topics and dragging my students along with me. After a lesson I'll sit and ponder (ie obsess) over what the kids learned, what they were supposed to learn and, of course, what they have yet to learn. What'll inevitably happen is that I'll stare at the curriculum until it resembles a whole pageful of wiggly lines. I think I'm attempting to learn through osmosis.

I've also discovered that the iron-clad memory I used to pride myself on has now vanished. Gone, possibly forever. No sooner do I get a thought in my head, such as I should call this person, or I need to photocopy this, then it mysteriously vanishes into thin air. Occasionally it meanders back when I can no longer do anything about it.

I've learned that students will follow you around like puppies unless you tell them otherwise. Either to have you explain a problem or to praise work that they've done. Let me tell you, their legs are getting a great workout from all the getting up and sitting down they do.

All in all, it's an educational experience to say the least. I have no idea how any given day will go because it depends on they dynamic of the classroom which changes from minute to minute.

I'm too tired to write anymore, hope you're enjoying the holiday spirit so far. I love Christmas.

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