Friday, December 29, 2006

My life as a couch potato

With the first half of school giving way to the winter break I have found myself with and inordinate amount of time on my hands. This feels rather strange after having run around constantly not knowing what the heck I was doing for the last 2 months. Since said break began I have not done one really productive thing with my time. Unless you count baking cookies as productive (which could be argued to be so).

My intention during my last week of school was to have a "pajama day". This entailed the arduous task of wearing my pajamas all day long and not moving from the couch, except for those irksome but necessary visits to the bathroom. I tried this out yesterday and enjoyed it for the first half of the day and then found I started to feel weak from inactivity. Not to mention I had become addicted to some game I found on the web. I sat and stared at my computer screen for, I kid you not, 6 hours. And I still haven't passed the damned thing. Actually I'll probably cry when I do, that game is darned fun. But I digress.

I concluded that pajama day will only work if you get fresh air in between, thus ending the whole purpose of the day since you can't walk outside in your jammies during the winter months in Calgary unless you want to die by freezing. Seeing as how I find the idea of turning into a human popsicle distasteful, this ends my quest for the perfect lazy day. Gol ding it!

Please note that the above was brought to you while sitting in my pajamas. Take care.

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