Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Slip Sliding the Day Away

No, I'm not talking about those yellow plastic carpet things that kids slid on during the hot summer months. Oh how I coveted those! No, I'm talking about driving on Calgary streets in rather inhuman conditions.

It's been snowing for the past 3 days virtually non stop. Sometimes heavily, sometimes not, but enough to be sufficiently annoying. Not having a garage, I'm one of the privileged few who get to freeze while brushing their car off in sub-zero temperatures. Occasionally I wonder about my blood circulation, I could be wearing gloves a foot thick and my hands would still hurt from the cold. Naturally I don't let thoughts like these bother me for long. I'm too busy turning into a popsicle inside my car.

Seriously, I think when streets are like they were today the city should call a snow day. Not only is it friggin' cold, it's actually pretty treacherous to be out on the roads at all. Since most people are sensible and realize that ice generally equals danger (there are a few that zoom by whose intellect and sanity I question) traffic progresses at a snail's pace. Though snails are probably faster and have the sense to stay inside on days like today.

So we Calgarians sit, shivering behind a steering wheel, alternately heating ourselves or our windshields, and watching the red lights of the car in front of us with an eagle eye. With the ever-growing number of accidents on the Deerfoot (and main thoroughways everywhere) I have to ask is work really worth this? Snowplows and gravel trucks can't seem to keep up with demand which leaves the bulk of us on a virtual skating rink.

Call me strange but I'd rather stay in then venture out into chaos.

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