Friday, August 29, 2008

My lack of Midnight Sun

This is completely unrelated to anything Australian but I wanted to make a note about my current favorite series.

Since it was recommended to me by my former educational assistant's daughter, I have been hooked on a teen series called Twilight. For a short summary it chronicles an unlikely romance between a normal girl and a vampire. Yes, for those of you unfamiliar with it I know it sounds cheesy but it's the best thing I've gotten my hands on in a long time. I bought the first book, read it in one day and promptly bought the second, third and then fourth books (which I sped through in similar style). My recent pastimes have included obsessively re-reading all four books.

Apparently the last of the series, Breaking Dawn incited such strong hatred in so many former fans that they attempted to return their copies. I'm sorry, but who returns books that they've already read? It's not like clothing that falls apart after one wearing. I've had the unpleasant feeling of buying a book, reading it, and then discovering that I didn't like it AT ALL. I never once thought about returning such a book. But then, I'm relatively normal. I can't imagine, no matter how rushed an author is, that a publisher/editor would permit them to put out, as it was referred to by some former fans, "garbage." Some people were apparently so horribly offended by this last book that they took it upon themselves to create a website devoted to hating Stephenie Meyer. Yeah, these people were real fans! I went to the website in question and seriously, you have to have something better to do with your time than cultivate hatred. Like hobbies. Hobbies are good, they keep you seated in the real world and help prevent utter devastation from fictional books.

After Breaking Dawn, Stephenie Meyer had planned to publish a 5th tome, Midnight Sun (basically Twilight from the other main character's perspective). It was stupidly leaked and then "proudly presented" by the evil Meyer-hating site, their actual reason for making it available was because they knew she wouldn't have wanted it. The proprietor of the site is probably going to end up somewhere that ends with "double hockey sticks." Now, upon discovery of the leak, Ms. Meyer has put the series on hold indefinitely. This latest news has left me in a funk. A really bad funk. And I know it's going to leave at least one close friend of mine in a similar depression. I love this series and was avidly looking forward to reading a vampire's point-of-view. What am I going to do without my shot of Twilight? I'm like a drug addict stumbling around now, not knowing when or where I'll get my next hit.

I want Ms. Meyer to keep writing dammit! Don't let these idiots get you down. I can understand that fans weren't supposed to see the novel until it was finished. I can understand how betrayed you must be feeling because of this leak. But please don't stop writing, because then you let the nogoodniks win. What I saw of Midnight Sun was beautifully written, I think it's her best work to date. So take some time, calm down, spend time with your family but please keep writing to the fans who adore your work and support anything you create. Ignore the idiots who are, after all, human.

1 comment:

Marc said...

It's interesting how people can get so caught up in a work of fiction. I guess the same is true of non-fiction, not so much in literary works, but more so in 'real life' with the cult of celebrity ('oh no, this actor was caught doing crack, I can't watch any more of his movies!')

People are strange, when you're a stranger...

P.S. Hello from Vancouver! Stay safe and keep us updated on your Aussie going ons!