Sunday, January 23, 2005

My CBE Boyfriend

So, contrary to what I just wrote yesterday I do have a boyfriend in town. It is the Calgary Board of Education (CBE). Like I said before he's not that nice. He doesn't call when I want him to and there isn't any real way I can reach him. I have to go through his many secretaries and they don't give me the answers I want. He calls other girls (and guys) much to my dismay. Doesn't CBE know he's supposed to be faithful to me and me only? I would leave him but I need what he can give me. I yearn to hear his electronically recorded voice telling me what school to go to and at what time. It's so disappointing that he doesn't understand my needs. *sob sob*

Did I mention that I'm a huge nerd? *sigh* Here comes another week.

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