Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Being Type A

One of the sad things that I've come to realize about myself is the fact that I like to worry about EVERYTHING. It can be the most inconsequential thing, but if it's out of the ordinary then I start to worry. From a blemish on my foot (Oh God, it's cancer!), school assignments (Oh God, what if I failed? It'll bring down my GPA!), to money investments (Oh God, what if I go broke? I'll be on welfare! Nooo!) Life just isn't quite complete without that knot in your stomach, oh the fun of having a Type A personality.

On the receiving end of this non-stop worrying are:
1. My parents (particularly my long suffering mother)
2. Will (lucky for him he is currently in LA)
3. My friends

All have experienced my neurotic tendencies, watching until I either cry or give myself some wicked indigestion. Neither provide for great bonding moments and the parties in question most likely do not look back fondly on the event. My worrying evidently started early since my parents regale me with fantastic tales of "Yuri as a horrible baby" (my words, not theirs). Ie, at the tender age of 1, I would cry and cry and cry until I made myself throw up.

I will now outline the steps that lead to some fun worrying. We will use my foot blemish as an example,
1. Event happens - I notice the blemish and think, "Oh, what's that?"
2. Dwell on event - Hmm, that looks strange and I can't rub it off. What IS this?
3. Begin to enlarge event in head - Okay, this thing is weird. No one else has this. Maybe it's serious.
4. Decide eventual outcome of event - I'm going to die from foot cancer.
5. Share decided eventual outcome with friends/family and ask opinions - Look at this! Do you think I'm going to die of foot cancer???

You can only cry wolf so many times and now I'm usually met with disgusted looks and shakes of the head when I relate things such as I've listed above.

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